The American Psychological Association defines EMDR as “a structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR was originally developed to treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Over the years we have learned that bilateral stimulation with eye movements, tapping, audio, buzzies, etc. can help one store a traumatic or difficult memory and store it in a way that is more helpful for you to live your life. We have also learned that EMDR may be helpful in treating a number of mental health conditions, not just EMDR.

Introduction to EMDR therapy by EMDRIA: https://youtu.be/Pkfln-ZtWeY?si=tQeGKRVuEtewIj7n

Eye Moments May Be Able To Heal Our Hurts: https://youtu.be/lOkSm90f2Do?si=UoE0Rtai4lD4sPKT

Trauma can be loosely described as receiving too much of something (i.e. abuse) or too little of something (i.e. neglect). Trauma can be further described as something that happens inside of someone during or after an experience. Because trauma happens inside of someone, such as how activated their nervous system becomes and for how long- can explain how two people can experience very similar events and only one describes it as traumatic.

EMDR can be utilized to help those with “big T” traumas and “little t traumas”. Big T traumas are experiences that would meet the definition for PTSD this can include but is not limited to sexual assault, physical abuse, sexual abuse, experiences related to war, natural disasters, domestic violence, witnessing these types of events or even hearing about these types of events.

EMDR can also help with little t traumas. These could be difficult experiences that were harmful to the individual but may not qualify for PTSD. For example, being humiliated, especially frequently and/or as a child, could have a lasting impact on an individual.  Little t traumas could be being rejected by a friend or relative, a pet passing away, road rage or a bad break up.

The Eight Phases of EMDR

  • Phase 1: History taking – this is similar to other forms of therapy where one would complete an assessment on the first session. We do NOT expect or need a full disclosure of the trauma/event you might want to process with EMDR.
  • Phase 2: Preparation: During this phase we will practice using techniques to help calm you/your nervous system and we will practice them together in session. We will provide psychoeducation about what EMDR is like, that you, as the client are always in charge, have a safe word if you want to stop and to be able to put away difficult experiences after working on them so they have minimal impact on the rest of your day.
  • Phase 3: Treatment Planning for Target Memory: Here we will discuss what event or negative belief you might want to target with EMDR. We will build a negative neural network including the first time you may have felt that way or thought that thought.
  • Phase 4-7: Processing the target memory/network with bilateral stimulation.
  • Phase 8 Reevaluation: Review how your body, thoughts and emotions feel when you think about the target. If there is still some form of activation, discuss this with the provider and adjustments will be made as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does EMDR therapy work?

         EMDR therapy works by distracting your brain or taxing your working memory. For reasons we don’t really understand, this allows content from a negative experience to be stored in a healthier way in the brain.

Can I do EMDR if I am blind, or have difficulty with vision?

          Yes, there are other forms of bilateral stimulation that can be used other than eye movements such as tapping, auditory via over the ear headphones, and items you hold that buzz. If you ever experience eye pain during a session, please report it to your provider immediately.

Is EMDR hypnosis?

         No. With EMDR, the client decides what they want to target and if they want to stop at any time they can.

Is EMDR talk therapy?

         No, EMDR does not rely on talking to help resolve the difficult situation, but relies on the bilateral stimulation

I don’t want to disclose my trauma, can I still do EMDR?

         Yes! You don’t have to talk about the trauma any more than you want to. Your provider might ask what you notice, and you could say that you notice something, a different part of the memory or you notice your thoughts/emotions changing as you observe what is happening.

I have preverbal trauma that I can’t remember, will EMDR be helpful?

        Yes, it can be since EMDR does not rely on talk therapy.

Can I use EMDR to help with a diagnosis other than PTSD?

         Yes, EMDR has been shown to help with several other diagnoses.